Thursday, June 12, 2014

Varalakshmi Vratam is a festival to propitiate the goddess Lakshmi, the consort of Vishnu, one of the Hindu Trinity. Varalakshmi is one who grants boons (Varam). It is an important pooja performed by many women in the states of Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka. The Hindu festival going by the name 'Vara Lakshmi Vrata' is celebrated on the Second Friday or the Friday before full moon day - Poornima in the month of Śravaṇā, also called Śawan in Hindi, which corresponds to the English months of July–August.
Varalakshmi Vratam is performed by married woman for the well being of all the family members, especially husband. It is believed that worshiping Goddess Varalakshmi on this day is equivalent to worshiping Ashtalaksmi – the eight goddesses of Wealth, Earth, Learning, Love, Fame, Peace, Pleasure, and Strength. Because of the popularity in some states of India, it is declared as an optional official holiday in India.
Varalakshmi vratam in 2014  is on  8th AUGUST.

Background Story:

   Chitranemi Story:
        According to a story in the Hindu scriptures,the origin of Varalakshmi Vratha is associated with a game of dice played between Lord Shiva and Parvati.\n Goddess Parvati who was winning all the games was accused of cheating by Lord Shiva.So they decided to appoint Chitranemi, a gana of Shiva, as the umpire. Chitranemi ruled in favor of Lord Shiva and this angered Goddess Parvati who cursed him to be a leper. Shiva asked Parvati to forgive Chitranemi and she agreed to revoke the curse if he watched Varalakshmi Vratha performed by pious women.The tradition of Varalakshmi Vratha started from then onwards.

   Syambala Story:
      Another popular story associated with Varalakshmi Vrat is that of Shyamabala.
      King Bathrasiravas and Queen Surachandrika had a daughter named Shyamabala.
      She was married to a prince of neighbouring kingdom. Once when Shyamabala was in her parent’s palace, she saw her mother, Queen Surachandrika, driving away an old lady. The old lady had asked the Queen to perform Varalakshmi puja but the queen did not like a beggar advising her regarding pujas and therefore drove her out. A kind-hearted Shyamabala invited the old lady and listened to the greatness of Varalakshmi Vrata. 
       When she returned to her country, she performed the Vrata as directed by the old lady. Soon her kingdom started prospering and the prince was appreciated for his good governance.But parents of Shyamabala had to undergo numerous sufferings and there was suffering all around.The king and queen lost all his wealth and people started revolting against their rule. Hearing about the suffering in her parent’s kingdom, Shyamabala sent pots of gold but the moment Queen Surachandrika set her eyes on them they turned into ashes. Upon hearing this incident, Shyamabala realized that all this is the result of her mother driving out the old woman from the palace. She realized that the old woman was Goddess Lakshmi in disguise. Shyamabala asked her mother to ask forgiveness to Goddess Lakshmi and perform the Varalakshmi Vrata. She did so and was able to attain the previous glory.

Check List:

        1. Goddess Lakshmi statue/photo.
        2. Kumkum,Gandam(SandleWood(or)Chandan),Pasupu(Turmeric(or)Haldi).
        3. Akshintalu(rice mixed with turmeric powder),Rupee coins.
        4. Copper or Silver Kalasham,New blouse pieces(2)for kalasham,White thread to make thorams.
        5. Coconut,Rice,Bananas,Tulsi leaves.
        6. Betelnuts,Betelnut Leaves,Banana Leaves,Mango Leaves,Flowers.
        7. Dry date Fruits,Water,Sweets - all for naivedya.
        8. Panchaamrita - Milk,Honey,Ghee,Sugar,Coconut Water.
       9.Lamps,Matchbox,Ghee to light the lamp,Camphor,Incense sticks.


Preparing of Puja Place:

  On a wooden plank or peeta keep Lakshmi idol. 
   Pooja mandapam or the Goddess idol should be faced East. 
 On the plank or peeta apply Haldi and kumkum on 4 sides, spread few cups of rice.

    Preparing Kalasham or Sacred pot:

 Fill the pot with Akshintalu and water(which symbolize prosperity) .
Place betel nuts, betel leaves, dry date fruits,Rupee coins inside the pot and cover it with mango and betel leaves. 
Apply turmeric,chandanam,kumkum to coconut on four sides and place on top of the kalasam surrounded by mango leaves and a new blouse piece. 
The tail of the coconut should be upward.
Now,place this over the rice on the plank.
Prepare small ganapathi idol with turmeric paste. place it on a betel leaf on the plank.
Keep a small garland and light a lamp at the Goddess.

     How to make thoram:
  Make a five or nine threaded thorams with white color cotton thread and apply haldi paste to it. 
  Make five or nine knots to it and place them near the kalasam.

The pooja procedure

The pooja procedure begins:
 Ganapathi Pooja is performed first.
 Worship Lord Ganesha to give all the strength to perform Varalakshmi Vratham without obstacle by chanting this mantra.

        Suklam baradharam vishnum sasivarnam chaturbhujam 
        Prasanna vadanam dhyayetsarva vighnopasantaye

  (Sip one spoon of water after each mantra. This is called achamanam.Just as bathing causes external purification,partaking water in this way is responsible for internal purification).

  Om Keshavaya swaahaa !
  Om Narayanaya swaahaa !

  Om Madhavaya swaahaa !


      EvamguNa VisheshaNa Vishishtaayaam asyaam shubha thithou, asmaakam saha kutumbaanaam kshema sthairya vijaya ayur arogya aishwarya abhivridhyartham, dharma artha kaama moksha chaturvidha purushaartha sidhyartham, ishtha kamarthya sidhyartham,sath santhaana soubhagya shubha phalavaapthyartham sri varalakshmi devathaa muddishya sri varalakshmi devatha preethyartham puraaNa kalpoktha prakareeNa yaava shakthi dhyaana vaahanaadhi shodashopachaara poojaan karishye!

   (Take a glass or panchapatra specially kept only for puja and pour water in it. Put in some akshatalu, flowers, and a betel leaf in it. Apply sandal paste and kumkuma on three sides of it) Put your right hand on it and read the following:

    kalashasya mukhe vishnu kanthe rudrassamaashritaha mooletatrasthitho brahm madhye maathru ganaa sthitah kukshowtu saagaraa ssarve sapta dweepaa vasundhara rugvedo adha yajurvedo ssaamavedohyadharvanah angaischa sahitaa ssarve kalasambu samaasritaah aayamthu lakshmi poojartham duritakshaya karakaah gangecha, yamunaichaiva, godavari, saraswathi, narmadaa, sindhu, kaveri jalesmin sannimdhikuru evam kalasha poojaam kuryaath

 (after chanting this mantra, dip a flower in the holy water and sprinkle it on the Goddess, things readied for puja, and on yourself.)



  padmasane padmakarey sarvalokaika poojithe narayana priaye devi, supreetaa bhavasarvadaa Ksheerodarnava sambhutey kamale kamalalaye susthiraa bhavame gehe surasura namaskruthe Sri varalakshmi devatayai namah dhyayami! 


   sarva mangala maangalye vishnu vakshasthalaalaye, aavaahayaami devitvaam, supreetaa bhava sarvadaa Sri varalakshmi devatayai namah aavaahayaami! 

(put some akshatalu,flowers in front of the kalasam)

  (Offering Seat) 

sooryaayutha nibhasphurthe sphuradratna vibhushite simhasanamidam devi stheeyatam surapujite Sri varalakshmi devatayai namah navaratna khachita simhasanam samarpayami! 


   Suddhodakam cha paatrastham gamdha pushpaadhi mishritam, arghyam daasyaamite devi gruahaana surapoojite Sri varalakshmi devatayai namah arghyam samarpayaami! 
(here fragrant water is offered to goddess)


  Suvaasita jalam ramyam sarvateertha samudbhavam paadhyam gruhaana devitvam sarwa deva namaskruthe Sri varalakshmi devatayai namah paadhyam samarpayaami! 
 (offer water to goddess)


  SuvarNa kalashaa neetham chandaNa garu samyuktham, gruhaaNa aachamanam devee maayaa dattham shubhapradhe, Aachamaneeyam samarpayaami!

   payodadhi ghruto petam sarkara madhu samyuktam panchamruta snanamidam gruhana kamalalaye Sri varalakshmi devatayai namah panchamruta snanam samarpayami! 
 (offer few drops of panchamritham to Goddess) 


   gangajalam mayaneetam mahadeva sirasthitam suddhodaka snanamidam gruhana vidhu sodari Sri varalakshmi devatayai namah suddhodaka snanam samarpayami! 
 (here also offer few drops of water to goddess)

   Suraarchitaamghri yugale dukoola vasanapriye vastra yugmam pradaasyami gruahaana harivallabhe Sri varalakshmi devatayai namah vastra yugmam samarpayaami! 
(a new saree kept for the goddess is offered) 


  Keyoora kamkana dhivye haranupura mekhala vibhooshanaanya moolyaani gruahana rushipoojithe Sri varalakshmi devatayai namah abharanaani samarpayaami! 
 (if any new gold ornament is taken, it can be kept near the goddess) 


   Taptahemakhrutham sootram mukthaadaamavibhooshitam upaveetamidam devi gruhanatvam shubhaprade Sri varalakshmi devatayai namah upveetam samarpayaami! 
 (apply turmeric and sandalwood paste to cotton thread and keep it on the kalasam) 


  Karpooraagarukasturee gorochanaadi bhiranwitam gamdham daasyaamyaham devi preetyartham pratiguhyatam Srivaralakshmi devataayai namah gamdham samarpayami! 
 (sprinkle sandalwood paste on goddess) 

   akshataan dhavalaan divyaan shaaliyaan stamdulaan subhan hariadraakumkumopetaan gruhyataam abdhiputrike Sri varaoakshmi devatayai namah akshtaan samarpayaami! 
 (put some akshatalu at feet of goddess) 


  Mallikaaj aaji kusumai schampakairvasulai sthadhaa neelotpalaischa kalhaarai poojayaami Hariapriye Sri Varalakshmi devatayai namah pushpaih poojayami! 
 (offer flowers to goddess)

  Om Chanchalaayai namah - paadou poojayaami 
 Om Chapalaayai namah - jaanunee poojayaami 
 Om Peetaambharadharaayai namah - naabhim poojayaami 
 Om Kamalavaasinyai namah -katim poojayaami 
 Om Padmaalayaayainamah - naabhim poojayaami 
 Om Madanamaatre namah - sthanow poojayaami 
 Om Kambukamtyai namah - kamtham poojayaami 
 Om Sumukhaayai namah - mukhampoojayaami 
 Om sunetraayai namah - netrou poojayaami 
 Om Ramayai namah - karnou poojayaami 
 Om Kamalaayainamah - sirah poojayaami 
 Om Sri Varalakshmyai namah - sarvanyamgani pujayami